Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Better Obliques & Back

For the past 2 weeks, in my 30-minute Core Values class, I taught what I called "Better Obliques and Back."  If you'd like to try it at home, here's the exercises.  I'll post some video and pics for demonstration purposes.  All you need is a timer or someone to watch the clock...

1:00 Crazy Ivans
1:00 Russian Twists
1:00 Standing Side Bends (:30 each side)
1:00 Dead lift (Optional snatch)
RECOVERY -- :30 --

 :30 Plank w/ Row
1:00 Superman
1:00 Plank w/ Row Rotate
1:00 Side plank (:30 each side)
RECOVERY -- :30 --

1:00 Toe Touches
1:00 Kick w/ Opposite & Weight
1:00 Love Handle Crunch (side to side)
1:00 Bicycle
RECOVERY -- :30 --

With the time left, take the best (or hardest) 4 exercises and create a final round!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Lately, I've been sleeping in leg warmers and I LOVE IT! Both my calves and ankles feel great in the morning. If you have ankle pain try it. U might look funny, but you'll feel (in my Barney Stinson voice) Aweeesommme!

Tababa Baby!

People who know me know that one of my favorite high intensity workouts is tabata (pronounced ta-bot-ta)  It's really no joke!  It's timed interval bouts based on :20 of work and :10 breaks for a total of 4 minutes.  I usually do 8-10 sessions mixing cardio, muscle endurance and of course my fave...CORE!  You can grab a FREE tabata timer from the app store.  I'm attaching a link, that I found on Shape Magazine's site, but will be sure to add a video link from a workout of my own.

Be prepared to sweat and make the "I'm hurtin" face!

FIT-bulous looks good on you...

I started this blog to help people connect with their "fit-bulous" side.  What is fit-bulous you ask?  I would say it's a feeling of comfort, happiness, satisfaction, self-worth all based on your level of physical activity and ability to complete physical tasks such as (marathons, races, classes, weight lifting, etc).  NO, you do not have to be a certain size or possess a certain look, but you MUST have dedication to health and well-being and practice it in your everyday life!  When you're fit-bulous, nothing else matters!

I plan to provide encouragement, nutrition pointers, work-outs and motivation!  From time to time I will post a challenge or 2.  By trade, I am a fitness wellness professional with nearly a decade in the field.  I don't post misinformation or potentially harmful advice or workouts.  Feel free to subscribe or check back when necessary.

Have a Fit-bulous Day!

P.S. I'm not much of a girly-girl, so if you're looking for pics and information on clothes, shoes, make up...yea, this is probably not the blog for you.
