Never underestimate the wonderful fitness & wellness values of stretching. Flexibility is one of the 5 health related components of fitness along with cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance and body composition. We exercise flexibility to allow our joints the ability to move through a full range of motion. The benefits ranges from full mobility, posture and balance to muscle relaxation and stress relief. Here's some stretching tips for all populations:1. Only stretch warmed muscles. Warming muscles prior to stretching can prevent injuries. Imagine your muscles are frozen rubber bands. If you stretch a frozen rubber band it will most likely snap, but if you warm it, it will stretch and perform its purpose for you. 2. Be aware of hyperflexed and inflexible joints. Let's face it. We're all made differently, so there's no one size fits all programs. Be especially aware if you are hyperflexed (joints move farther than normal) or inflexible (muscle strength does not allow joint to move through full range). Your range of motion might differ from the norm and should not be forced to normal ranges.3. Consider a class. Classes can be very beneficial to flexibility health. Well organized, choreographed classes such as yoga, pilates and tai chi will help you reach your flexibility goals as well as improve balance and coordination. Try one.
4. Hold it right there. When performing stretches hold each for about 15-20 seconds before switching to opposite side or opposing muscle group.
Thanks for reading, now get up and get active!
About the Author: Rae D. Upchurch, MA is a fitness and wellness educator, coach and owner of Total Lifestyle Fitness Consulting. For more tips and information about coaching, visit and follow her on twitter and instagram @raeupchurch.
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